HOME > Pregnancy / Childbirth / Child Care

Updated: February 5, 2024

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Pregnancy / Childbirth / Child Care

Explains the procedures and services for pregnancy, childbirth, and child care.

Pregnancy / Childbirth / Health Checkups

Upon Pregnancy

Submit a Notification of Pregnancy to your local city hall or health center to receive a Mother and Child Health Handbook. Some city halls have Mother and Child Health Handbooks available in languages other than Japanese.

Upon Childbirth

Submit a Notification of Birth to your local city hall within 14 days of the birth of the child. Then apply to obtain a visa for the child from the Immigration Bureau within 30 days. Submit a Notification of Birth to your embassy or consulate as well.

Childbirth Costs (Financial Assistance)

Health Insurance (Social Health Insurance) members are entitled to receive a one-time maternity allowance at the time of childbirth. Maternity allowance is also available to those who must take a leave of absence from work without pay because of childbirth.

Child Care Leave

Those who meet a certain set of conditions are entitled to take child care leave from work until their child reaches the age of one year. Child care leave is available for both fathers and mothers, with the child care leave allowance being paid from Unemployment Insurance during the term of child care leave.

Health Checkups

Infant health checkups are available for those between three and four months old, eight and ten months old, one and a half years old, three years old, etc. Contact your local city hall or health center for further details.

Child Nationality

  • (1) When either the mother or father has Japanese nationality
    The child is entitled to receive Japanese nationality as long as the parents are legally married, although it is necessary to reserve the right to Japanese nationality if the child is born overseas. If the parents are not legally married, the child is entitled to receive Japanese nationality only if the Japanese father recognizes the child as his. Consult your embassy or consulate if the nationality of your home country is to be obtained.
  • (2) When both the mother and father have foreign nationality
    The child is not entitled to receive Japanese nationality. The parents must obtain nationality for the child in accordance with the laws of their respective countries.

Nurseries and Kindergartens


These facilities are available to take care of children up to elementary school age during the day if members of the family are unable to care for them owing to work, sickness, or any other valid reason. Nurseries certified by the prefecture and its cities, as well as other kinds of nurseries, are available.

Certified Children's Schools

These facilities provide the good points of both nurseries and kindergartens. They take care of children up to elementary school age, regardless of whether or not their parents or guardians are working.


These schools admit children from three years old to elementary school age. Public and private kindergartens are available.



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